To book online please go to Dinner and lunch booking information
You must book by 19th February
Or call David or Nina on 01226 242357 (office hours) or email
Gala Dinner Menu @ £39.00* per person
This price includes the casino night, 7 piece events band and our famous charity raffle
Download your menu choice form here
1 Roasted pepper & tomato soup (v) (gf) (df)
2 Smoked mackerel mousse (gf)
3 Grilled red peppers & figs (ve)(v)
4 Breast of chicken wrapped in crispy smoked bacon,
buttered caraway kale & cabbage, potato fondant, lentil & red wine sauce (gf)
5 Aubergine, griddled zucchini & tomato bake, black olive puree, crispy fried basil (ve)(v) (gf)
6 Crispy skinned fillet of hake, crushed new potatoes, tomato fondue (gf) (df)
7 Blood orange & chocolate torte, dark chocolate sauce
8 Red berry Eton mess (gf)
9 Vanilla poached pear (ve)(v) (gf) (df)
Tea, Coffee & Treats
(v) denotes vegetarian
(gf) denotes gluten free
(df) denotes dairy free
(ve) denotes vegan
*Children 0-3 – Free of charge
*Children 4-16 – £15.00
Attendance / Ticket Booking Form
Please complete the following form for lunch and dinner requirements.
Deadline for bookings is Tuesday 19th February
If you are attending the Exhibition, please indicate which day(s) Fri / Sat
Will you be attending the AGM (Members only) Yes / No
I require……. Lunch(s) on Friday 1st at £5.00 per person £…………………
I require………. Lunch(s) on Saturday 2nd at £5.00 per person £…………………
I require………..Adult Gala dinner ticket(s) at £39.00 each £…………………
I require………..Child* (over 4yrs) Gala dinner ticket(s) at £15.00 each £…………………
Total amount payable £………………………….
Gala Dinner Attendees:-
Name Child Y/N Starter No. Main No. Dessert No.
Do you have any special dietary requirements that we should know about? Yes / No
If yes, please give further details……………………………………………………………………..