Lawson Wight reflects on a great finale to a great weekend.
What do chimney sweeps do when they are not working? Well once a year many of them get together, spend a lot of money on tools, food and drink and generally enjoy one another’s company. If you are reading the printed magazine you can see the video of the evening entertainment in the Sweep Stuff Online edition
For many it’s a family affair and the presence of so many partners and children helps create a great atmosphere. The fun reaches a peak with around 140 guests at the Gala Dinner. Even the Guild board can relax a bit by this time having (hopefully) survived another members AGM! Straight after tea and coffee, the DJ got everyone going with a quick game of “Heads and Tails” little Leo won half the pot (around £30) with the other half going toward the raffle takings.
Then on to the prizes drawn from visitor’s business cards collected throughout the show at the registration desk. Mark Paramor, Tom O’Hara from Tom’s Chimney Sweep Service. They both chose a year’s free Guild membership.
Chimney Skills Training once again very kindly donated a place on the NVQ assessment pathway. This proved very popular with sweeps entering online over the previous weeks. Les Bowering from Hampshire won the place and said later “That’s brilliant, I was going to do it anyway.” £600 was raised and donated toward the Burnright Campaign.
Two of our younger guests were hard at the fundraising too. Thanks to Sofia Meding and Maya Wight who spent half the afternoon making an advertising ‘apron’ and a sign and then spent half the evening selling their stick – man tattoos. Well done girls, you raised an excellent £46.
Then on to the big charity raffle. What can I say, watch the video. Thanks to the generosity of all we raised a new record – £2150 for CO Gas-safety, fantastic.
Then the dancing, the chatting, the drinking and the chatting. My sincere thanks to each and everyone who attended. It’s down to all of you who come that just make it better and better each year.