Session 1: Chimney Skills Training

12:00pm till 1pm

This offers the professional sweep the opportunity to broaden their scope of work and gain further recognition (through a formal trade qualification) of the work they already carry out in their day to day working life, in what is at present an unregulated occupation.

Chimney Skills Training / NVQ

NVQThe NVQ will boost your own business profile whilst assisting your Association to lobby on your behalf with Government and the industry as sweeping becomes recognised as a formal trade. The NVQ in chimney sweeping is one the founding pillars the Federation of British Chimney Sweeps (FBCS) is built upon in uniting the sweep associations to further promote the role of the sweep within the solid fuel, biomass and other domestic and commercially fuelled heating and energy sector.

The NVQ in Chimney Sweeping OSAT pathway is a knowledge and skills-based qualification which includes the inspection, servicing, maintenance and sweeping of biomass and solid fuel appliances and their chimney and flues across both the commercial and domestic sectors of the trade. The OSAT is designed as a pathway to the NVQ for the experienced worker where your knowledge is assessed through the application of the skills of the occupation.

The assessment process is straightforward and consists of an introductory and CITB induction session followed by an in-depth Professional Discussion both are usually carried out online using conference call software. After the introductory and CITB induction you will be guided to several on-line resource packs including access to a series of self-assessment tests in preparation for the Professional Discussion. If during the Professional Discussion a training need is identified you will be sign-posted to the relevant training materials, an already qualified NVQ sweep, or back to your Association who we will happily liaise with on your behalf with your consent.

Once the Professional Discussion is completed, we will then arrange at your convenience for an assessor to observe you working across three jobs. The evidence from the audio recorded Professional Discussion and the videoed Observations will be used to demonstrate and build an audit trail of your level of competencies by cross referencing the evidence to the standards within the four modules of the NVQ. Once this is done the assessor will carry out a ‘gap analysis’ and if required will carry out a further brief Professional Discussion by recorded telephone conversation to build and strengthen your NVQ submission portfolio.

Your NVQ portfolio will then be submitted to NSAC a part of CITB which deals with specialist’s trades such as Stone Masonry, Farriers, Heritage Skills, and Thatchers etc. Once your NVQ portfolio is verified and quality assured by NSAC the Awarding body will then issue you with the NVQ Certificate in Chimney Sweeping with both the Commercial and Domestic Endorsements. Your name will then be entered on the CITB Central Register of Skilled Workers, and you will be able to apply for the Chimney Sweepers Skilled Worker CSCS Card.

View the seminar here:

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Sweep Stuff Magazine - August 2023

Our bi-monthly members magazine delivered to your door is full of the latest news and industry updates for chimney sweeps across the UK.

In this issue:

Milly joins the team

Swept away – Sweep Stuff Live 2023

Death of coal

Stove recommendations

ClearSkies certification

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