Session 7: SmartFlow chimney draught regulator Seminar 2022 – Wojciech Piekarski

Saturday 1pm till 2pm

Regardless of the type of fuel used, an optimal air flow inside the chimney results in the whole chimney warming up evenly over its entire length, smoke back-up is eliminated, and fuel burning is not affected by the current weather conditions.

The unique construction of our regulator makes it universal when it comes its possible applications. It may be used in standard chimney stacks connected to boilers as well as in fireplace chimneys. It can be installed in private homes, but it is also exceptionally effective when used with industrial boilers. No matter whether you own a small restaurant or run a big bakery, our chimney regulator is a perfect solution for you.

Besides its chimney application, our regulator can also be used over air duct exits. It offers protection against inclement weather conditions as well as prevents undesirable cooled or heated air backup.

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