One Voice – The Federation of British Chimney Sweeps

Federation of British Chimney Sweeps (FBCS)

25 Feb 2020

For the first time the chimney sweeping industry has a body that will speak for the majority of professional chimney sweeps. Following considerable effort the five main UK sweep associations have come together to form a Federation of Associations. Please see details below. Further statements will follow. You can visit the Federation website at:…

For the first time the chimney sweeping industry has a body that will speak for the majority of professional chimney sweeps. Following considerable effort the five main UK sweep associations have come together to form a Federation of Associations.

Please see details below. Further statements will follow. You can visit the Federation website at:

The Federation of British Chimney Sweeps (FBCS) provides a unified voice to lobby and promote the interests of the professional chimney sweep whilst providing a single point of contact for the wider industry and central and local government. FBCS comprises of the main chimney sweep member trade associations and the industry’s NVQ provider. The member associations collectively represent the majority of registered chimney sweeps in the UK.
We aim to act as a collective voice to lobby on behalf of the professional chimney sweep trade associations and their members and to develop and implement strategies to meet the goals of the Federation, its member associations and the wider industry. We draw on the extensive industry expertise of our member associations who bring a wealth of collective experience to bear upon the most pressing industry matters.

Mission Statement
To provide professional NVQ qualified Chimney Sweeps to protect consumers by cleaning, inspecting and maintaining flues, chimneys and appliances to ensure that they are safe, efficient and environmentally friendly.
To raise standards for the industry to work with the Government and trade bodies on all chimney safety and environmental issues.

Governance and Accountability

Strategy Steering Group

  • To identify and implement strategies to meet the changing demands placed upon the industry.
  • To extend the scope of work of professional sweeps through formal qualifications and recognised trade status.
  • To raise consumer awareness of the benefits of engaging professional chimney sweeps.
  • To work with Government, local government and other stakeholders in developing deliverable environmental policy outcomes.
  • To work with our member associations in promoting common messages of best practice and industry standards to their respective chimney sweep members.

Training Steering Group

  • To promote the development and delivery of accredited occupational training and qualifications through our member associations.
  • To promote the goal of lifelong learning through qualifications and certifications in order to secure the formal trade status of the occupation of Chimney Sweep.
  • To further develop training across associations to meet the changing needs of the industry, other stakeholders, and government strategy.

FBCS invites enquiries from any parties seeking to engage with the professional chimney sweeping industry in the UK.


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25 Feb 2020

For the first time the chimney sweeping industry has a body that will speak for the majority of professional chimney sweeps. Following considerable effort the five main UK sweep associations have come together to form a Federation of Associations. Please see details below. Further statements will follow. You can visit the Federation website at:…

Federation of British Chimney Sweeps (FBCS)

For the first time the chimney sweeping industry has a body that will speak for the majority of professional chimney sweeps. Following considerable effort the five main UK sweep associations have come together to form a Federation of Associations.

Please see details below. Further statements will follow. You can visit the Federation website at:

The Federation of British Chimney Sweeps (FBCS) provides a unified voice to lobby and promote the interests of the professional chimney sweep whilst providing a single point of contact for the wider industry and central and local government. FBCS comprises of the main chimney sweep member trade associations and the industry’s NVQ provider. The member associations collectively represent the majority of registered chimney sweeps in the UK.
We aim to act as a collective voice to lobby on behalf of the professional chimney sweep trade associations and their members and to develop and implement strategies to meet the goals of the Federation, its member associations and the wider industry. We draw on the extensive industry expertise of our member associations who bring a wealth of collective experience to bear upon the most pressing industry matters.

Mission Statement
To provide professional NVQ qualified Chimney Sweeps to protect consumers by cleaning, inspecting and maintaining flues, chimneys and appliances to ensure that they are safe, efficient and environmentally friendly.
To raise standards for the industry to work with the Government and trade bodies on all chimney safety and environmental issues.

Governance and Accountability

Strategy Steering Group

  • To identify and implement strategies to meet the changing demands placed upon the industry.
  • To extend the scope of work of professional sweeps through formal qualifications and recognised trade status.
  • To raise consumer awareness of the benefits of engaging professional chimney sweeps.
  • To work with Government, local government and other stakeholders in developing deliverable environmental policy outcomes.
  • To work with our member associations in promoting common messages of best practice and industry standards to their respective chimney sweep members.

Training Steering Group

  • To promote the development and delivery of accredited occupational training and qualifications through our member associations.
  • To promote the goal of lifelong learning through qualifications and certifications in order to secure the formal trade status of the occupation of Chimney Sweep.
  • To further develop training across associations to meet the changing needs of the industry, other stakeholders, and government strategy.

FBCS invites enquiries from any parties seeking to engage with the professional chimney sweeping industry in the UK.


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