There are seven presentations running over the two days of the Sweep Stuff Trade Exhibition. Each one is delivered by an expert in their field. A great way to learn and each presentation includes a Q & A session. In particular, The SIA, the BFCMA and the Burnright Campaign presentations will address the hot topic of air quality and cleaner burning. Learn what is happening, what’s planned and how it’s up to sweeps to make the difference. All the exhibition details including lunch and dinner bookings are on the Exhibition 2024 webpage.
Friday 5th April
11.00am CPL / Homefire: Smokeless fuels. What are they, how are they made? With Q & A session.
12.00pm Stove Industry Association (SIA): Educating consumers / common misconceptions. Key challenges facing the stove industry. SIA research. Clearskies certification. With Q & A session.
2.00pm BFCMA (British Flue and Chimney Manufacturers Association): Building, product and installation standards dictate the way in which chimneys and flues can be installed and maintained. The new annex to BSEN15287 Design, installation & commissioning of chimneys and Document J are due to be revised this year. Defra are promoting the need to maintain chimneys.
3.00pm Logs Direct: Fascinating insight into the wood fuel industry past, present and future. With Q&A session
Saturday 6th April
11.00am Recoheat: Stove heat recovery recovery device: How does it work, installation explained. More heat, less fuel, lower emissions. With Q & A.
12.00am Fluecube: How does Fluecube work, what are the benefits? With Q & A.
2.00pm Burnright: Will my stove be banned and other common questions. Using consumer focussed tools & resources to reduce emissions and boost your business. Why, when and how to use.