Thatch Advice Centre
The Thatch Advice Centre is a free online resource covering ‘all things thatch’
The Thatch Advice Centre is a free online resource covering ‘all things thatch’. We offer an array of information relating to thatched roofs, thatch materials, care of thatch and technical information. Working together with various organisations we share up to date information from Thatch Fire Safety to maintenance or pest control. Our updated Thatch Fire Safety leaflet includes the new Fire Protection Association research into chimneys, woodburners and thatch. Our advice encourages chimney sweeping, checking chimney integrity and care with what and how you burn (fits in well with Burnright campaign). It was created following Forensic Investigation into the causes of thatch fires and the most recent FPA research (driven by Historic England and NFU), to provide current advice on reducing the risks. The Thatch Advice Centre has a bespoke of thatch related specialists including chimney sweeps.

2 Trotts Lane,
SO40 4UE